Accredited Programs
Professional level programs accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) voluntarily place themselves before the scrutiny of the profession to ensure that students receive an education that will serve them not only during their time at school, but also prepare them for future professional growth. Students enrolled in an accredited interior design program can be confident that the program meets the quality standards recognized by the profession.
The list of accredited programs on this website supersedes all previously published lists. The list is updated twice a year following Accreditation Commission meetings at which accreditation decisions are made. Visit FAQs for further information about accredited programs, online programs, and standards.
Two bolded dates in parenthesis next to program name represent the last accreditation decision and the year of the next review.
Auburn University, Auburn
Bachelor of Science, Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Department of Consumer and Design Sciences
College of Human Sciences
Dr, Melanie Duffey, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Phone: 334.844.6458
E-mail: alemama@auburn.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Samford University, Birmingham
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2023, 2029)
Department of Interior Architecture
School of the Arts
Tonya Miller, Associate Professor
Phone: 205.616.1598
E-mail: tmiller8@samford.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design in Human Environmental Sciences (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
Department of Clothing, Textiles, and Interior Design
Human Environmental Sciences
Brian Taylor, Interim Chair
Phone: 205.348.2963
Email: btaylor@ches.ua.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of North Alabama, Florence
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Interior Architecture & Design (2022, 2028)
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Visual Arts and Design
Dhrumil Patel, Program Coordinator
Phone: 256.765.505
E-mail: dpatel1@una.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Arizona State University, Tempe
Bachelor of Science, Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
The Design School
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Brie Smith, Program Head
Phone: 480.965.3536
E-mail: brie.smith@asu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Arizona State University, Tempe
Master of Interior Architecture (2019, 2025)
Interior Architecture Program
The Design School
Brie Smith, Program Head
Phone: 480.965.3536
E-mail: brie.smith@asu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
School of Art
College of Arts and Letters
Vincent Caranchini, Program Chair
Phone: 928.523.8073
E-mail: Vincent.Caranchini@nau.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Northern Arizona University, Scottsdale
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
School of Art
College of Arts and Letters
David Politzer, Director
E-mail: david.politzer@nau.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The interior design program is currently on probation, which is an accreditation status indicating that critical weaknesses were identified during a recent accreditation review. To learn more about probation click here.
Harding University, Searcy
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Department of Art and Design
Sarah Wilhoit, Program Coordinator
Phone: 501.279.4831
E-Mail: swilhoit@harding.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Bachelor of Interior Architecture and Design (BIAD) (2018, 2024)
Interior Architecture and Design Department
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
Carl Matthews, Interior Design Department Head
Phone: 479.575.4729
E-mail: cwmatthe@uark.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
University of Central Arkansas, Conway
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
The Department of Art and Design
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Toni Gocke Wyre, Interior Design Instructor
Phone: 501.470.7633
E-mail: awyre@uca.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Academy of Art University, San Francisco
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Architecture and Design
Kathleen Valkuchak, Director
Phone: 415.618.3581 or 800.544.2787
Email: kvalkuchak@academyart.edu
Note: In 2008, accreditation was extended to include the online delivery method.
Accreditation Decision Letter
Academy of Art University, San Francisco
Master of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2018, 2024)
Interior Architecture and Design
Kathleen Valkuchak, Director
Phone: 415.618.3581 or 800.544.2787
Email: kvalkuchak@academyart.edu
Note: This includes the online delivery method.
Summary of Accreditaiton Decision
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Master of Interior Architecture (2021, 2027)
UCLA Extension/Cal Poly Pomona Collaborative Program in Interior Architecture
Department of Architecture
Robert Alexander, Department Chair
Phone: 909.979.5596
E-mail: ralexander@cpp.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
California State University, Northridge
Bachelor of Science (2024, 2030)
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Kristin King, Area Coordinator
Phone: 818.677.2339
E-mail: kristin.king@csun.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Design Institute of San Diego
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2017, 2024)
Interior Design Program
Natalia Worden, Director of Academics
Phone: 858.566.1200
E-mail: nworden@disd.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Interior Designers Institute, Newport Beach
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interior Design (2018, 2024)
Interior Design Program
Tammy Solomons, Executive Director
Phone: 949.675.4451
E-mail: contact@idi.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
San Diego State University
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts and Sciences (2022, 2028)*
Interior Architecture Program
School of Art Design and Art History
Yin Yu, Area Head
Phone: 619.594.1658
E-mail: yyu2@sdsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The interior design program is currently on probation, which is an accreditation status indicating that critical weaknesses were identified during a recent accreditation review. To learn more about probation click here.
Woodbury University, Burbank
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Department of Interior Design
School of Architecture
Branka Olson, Interior Design Chair
Phone: 818.252.5156
E-mail: branka.olson@woodbury.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture and Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Architecture and Design Program
Department of Design & Merchandising
College of Health and Human Sciences
Leah Scolere, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
Phone: 970.491.2721
E-mail: Leah.Scolere@colostate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design, Denver
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program and Interior Sustainable Design Program
Interior Design Department
Jessica Elliot, Chair
Phone: 303.501.2302
E-mail: jelliott@rmcad.edu
Note: This includes the online delivery method
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of New Haven, West Haven
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Department of Art and Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Jamie Slenker, Program Coordinator
Phone: 203.479.4863
E-mail: jslenker@newhaven.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The George Washington University, Washington DC
Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts (2022, 2028)*
Interior Architecture Program
Corcoran School of the Arts and Design
Stephanie Travis, Program head, Associate Professor
Phone: 202.242.6706
E-mail: ciarc@gwu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The interior design program is currently on probation, which is an accreditation status indicating that critical weaknesses were identified during a recent accreditation review. To learn more about probation click here.
Florida International University, Miami
Master of Interior Architecture (2019, 2025)
Interior Architecture Program
Department of Interior Architecture
School of Architecture
Nicholas Nedev, Interim Chair
Phone: 305.348.3181
E-mail: nnedev@fiu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Florida State University, Tallahassee
Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts - Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Architecture and Design
The College of Fine Arts
James D. Dawkins, Chair
Phone: 850.644.8326
E-mail: jdawkins@fsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Seminole State College of Florida, Lake Mary
Bachelor of Applied Science, Interior Design (2018, 2024)
Interior Design Program
School of Engineering, Design & Construction
Holly Rodwick, Program Manager
Phone: 407.708.4531
E-mail: rodwickh@seminolestate.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
University of Florida, Gainesville
Bachelor of Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Department of Interior Design
College of Design, Construction, and Planning
Roberto Rengel, Chair
Phone: 352.294.1430
E-mail: rrengel@ufl.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Brenau University, Gainesville
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2020, 2026)
Gainesville and Atlanta Interior Design Department
College of Fine Arts and Humanities
Michael Kleeman, Chair
Phone: 770.534.6266
Email: mkleeman@brenau.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
School of Human Ecology
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Beth McGee, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
Phone: 912.478.0477
E-mail: bethmcgee@georgiasouthern.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Savannah College of Art and Design, Atlanta
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Anthony Purvis, Associate Chair of Interior Design
Phone: 404.253.3430
E-mail: apurvis@scad.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Christine Van Duyn
Phone: 912.525.6865
E-mail: cvanduyn@scad.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Georgia, Athens
Bachelor of Fine Arts/Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Lamar Dodd School of Art
Saral Surakul
Phone: 706.542.1511
E-mail: ssurakul@uga.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Environmental + Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Environmental + Interior Design
Matthew Higgins, Program Coordinator
Phone: 808.735.4826
E-mail: matthew.higgins@chaminade.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Idaho, Moscow
Bachelor of Interior Architecture and Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Architecture and Design Program
College of Art and Architecture
Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Program Head
Phone: 208.885.6781
E-mail: rulaa@uidaho.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Columbia College, Chicago
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture (2024, 2030)
Interior Architecture Program
School of Design
Timothy Cozzens, Program Coordinator
Phone: 312.369.8525
E-mail: tcozzens@colum.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Illinois State University, Normal
BA or BS in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior and Environmental Design Program
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Connie Dyar, Coordinator
Phone: 309.438.8007
E-mail: cgarberd@ilstu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
School of Architecture
College of Arts & Media
Laura Morthland, Program Director
Phone: 618.453.3734
E-mail: laurab@siu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Ball State University, Muncie
BA or BS in Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Department of Construction Management and Interior Design
College of Architecture and Planning
Sarah Alfaro, Program Coordinator
Phone: 765.285.1471
E-mail: smangnealfar@bsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Indiana State University, Terre Haute
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Architecture Design Program
Department of the Built Environment
College of Technology
Kimberly Smith, Program Coordinator
Phone: 812.237.3314
E-mail: Kimberly.Smith3@indstate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Indiana University Bloomington
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
School of Art, Architecture + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Bryan D. Orthel, Director
Phone: 812.856.7623
E-mail: bdorthel@iu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Purdue University, Indianapolis
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture Program
Purdue Polytechnic Institute
Emily McLaughlin, Coordinator
Phone: 765.495.7768
E-mail: mclaug18@purdue.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Purdue University, West Lafayette
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
Department of Art & Design
School of Design, Art and Performance
Laura Bittner, Program Coordinator
Phone: 765.496.0037
E-mail: bittnerl@purdue.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Design
College of Design
Deborah Hauptmann, Interim Chair
Phone: 515.294.6743
E-mail: deborah@iastate.edu
Linda Galvin, Administrative Specialist
Phone: 515.294.6743
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi
Phone: 319.273.2814
E-mail: betrabet@uni.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The interior design program is currently on probation, which is an accreditation status indicating that critical weaknesses were identified during a recent accreditation review. To learn more about probation click here.
Kansas State University, Manhattan
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
Dept. of Interior Design and Fashion Studies
College of Health and Human Science
Kristianna Johnson, Program Coordinator
Phone: 785.532.6993
E-mail: kristyjo@ksu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Kansas State University, Manhattan
Master of Interior Architecture (2019, 2025)
Interior Architecture and Industrial Design Program
Department of Interior Architecture and Industrial Design
College of Architecture, Planning & Design
Nathan Howe, Program Coordinator
Phone: 785.532.5992
E-mail: nhowe@ksu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Kentucky, Lexington
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interiors: Planning/Strategy/Design (2021, 2027)
School of Interiors: Planning/Strategy/Design
College of Design
Helen Turner, Director
Phone: 859.257.2250
E-mail: helen.turner@uky.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Louisville
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Hite Institute of Art and Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Chris Reitz, Department Chair
Phone: 502.852.6794
E-mail: chris.reitz@louisville.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Bachelor of Interior Design (B.I.D.) (2021, 2027)
School of Interior Design
College of Art and Design
Marsha R. Cuddeback, Director
Phone: 225.578.8465
E-mail: mcuddeb@lsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston
Bachelor of Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
School of Design
Marla Emory, Chair
Phone: 318.257.2816
E-mail: mstjohn@latech.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Bachelor of Interior Design (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
School of Architecture and Design
College of the Arts
William Riehm, Program Coordinator
Phone: 337.482.5307
E-mail: william.riehm@louisiana.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Boston Architectural College
Bachelor or Master of Interior Architecture (2022, 2028)
School of Interior Architecture
Denise Rush, Dean, School of Interior Architecture
Phone: 617.585.0291
E-mail: denise.rush@the-bac.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Endicott College, Beverly
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture (2024, 2030)
Interior Architecture Program
Department of Architectural + Design Studies
School of Visual Performing Arts
Kevin Michael Renz, Associate Dean of Architectural + Design Studies
Phone: 978.232.2202
E-mail: krenz@endicott.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The Department of Art & Design at Suffolk University, Boston
BFA in Interior Design and Master of Arts in Interior Architecture (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Sean Solley, Program Director
Phone: 617.994.4293
E-mail: ssolley@suffolk.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture + Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture + Design Program
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Dr. Rosemary Botti-Salitsky, Program Coordinator Interior Architecture + Design
Phone: 617.928.4644
E-mail: rbottisalitsky@umassd.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston
Bachelor of Science-Interior Design (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
School of Architecture and Design
Stephanie Rufino, Program Director
Phone: 617.989.4494
E-mail: rufinos@wit.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant
Bachelor of Applied Arts, Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Department of Fashion, Interior Design, and Merchandising
Jeanneane Wood-Nartker, Ph.D., Professor
Phone: 989.774.1146
E-mail: wood1bj@cmich.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
School of Visual and Built Environments
College of Technology
Diane Guevara, Program Coordinator
Phone: 617.320.9098
E-mail: dguevara@emich.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University, Grand Rapids
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Mary Ellen Fritz, Chair
Phone: 616.446.3836
E-mail: fritzm@ferris.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Lawrence Technological University, Southfield
Bachelor of Interior Architecture (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture Program
College of Architecture and Design
Philip D. Plowright, Department Chair and Professor
Phone: 248.204.2870
Accreditation Decision Letter
Michigan State University, East Lansing
Bachelor of Arts (2018, 2024)
Interior Design Program
School of Planning, Design & Construction
College of Agriculture & Natural Resources/College of Social Science
Linda Nubani, Program Director
Phone: 517.432.2330
E-mail: nubanili@msu.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
The program requested and was granted a one-semester extension on accreditation.
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
Bachelor of Science, Interior Architecture and Design (2017, 2023)
Interior Architecture and Design Program
College of Fine Art
Richmond Institute for Design and Innovation
Kim Buchholz, Program Coordinator
Phone: 269.387.3708
E-mail: kimberly.buchholz@wmich.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
School of Design
Korrin Howard, Director
Phone: 612.381.8157
E-mail: khoward@dunwoody.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Bachelor of Science (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel
College of Design
Stephanie Zollinger, Program Chair
Phone: 612.624.3205
E-mail: szolling@umn.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Mississippi College, Clinton
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Mandy Pickett Berdami, Interior Design Program Director
Phone: 601.925.3957
E-mail: berdami@mc.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
College of Architecture, Art + Design
Interior Design Department
Beth R. Miller, Department Head, Interior Design
Phone: 662.325.7689
E-mail: bmiller@caad.msstate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg
Bachelor of Science (2017, 2024)
Interior Design Program
School of Construction and Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Al Lawson, Program Coordinator
Phone: 601.266.6437
E-mail: alvis.lawsonjr@usm.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Maryville University, St. Louis
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
Design + Visual Art Program
College of Arts and Sciences
Kirsten Kohm, Program Director
Phone: 314.529.9679
E-mail: kkohm@maryville.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Holland College of Arts & Media
Department of Art & Design
Dr. Michelle Brune, Program Coordinator
Phone: 573.651.2994
E-mail: mbrune@semo.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Department of Art & Design
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Susan Stevenson, Program Coordinator
Phone: 660.543.8014
E-mail: sstevenson@ucmo.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Missouri, Columbia
BS Architectural Studies with Interior Design Emphasis (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Department of Architectural Studies
College of Arts & Sciences
Lyria Bartlett, Program Coordinator
Phone: 573.882.7035
E-mail: bartlettld@missouri.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Bachelor of Science in Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
College of Architecture
Lindsey Bahe, Interim Program Director
Phone: 402.472.9245
E-mail: bahe@unl.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Bachelor of Science in Comprehensive ID (2021, 2027)
Interior and Product Design Program
Department of Industrial Technology
College of Business and Technology
Dana Vaux, Chair
Phone: 308-865-8694
E-mail: vauxde@unk.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture and Design Program
School of Architecture
Dak Kopec, Coordinator, Master of Design Program
Phone: 702.895.3031
E-mail: dak.kopec@unlv.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Berkeley College, Woodland Park
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2017, 2024)
Interior Design Program
School of Professional Studies
Interior Design Department
Alfonso Torino, Chair
Phone: 201.975.9011 x 1404
E-mail: alt@berkeleycollege.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Kean University, Union
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Robert Busch School of Design
Michael Graves College
MJ Divino, Program Chair
Phone: 908.737.4749
E-mail: mdivino@kean.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
School of Art + Design
Hillier College of Architecture and Design
David A. Brothers, Program Coordinator
Phone: 973.596.3080
E-mail: david.a.brothers@njit.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Buffalo State, Buffalo
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Art & Design Department
School of Arts and Humanities
Candace Masters, Chairperson and Program Coordinator
Phone: 716.878.6032
E-mail: keegancp@buffalostate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Cornell University, Ithaca
Bachelor of Science (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Department of Human Centered Design
College of Human Ecology
Juan Hinestroza - Chair
Phone: 607.255.0465
E-mail: hcd-chair@cornell.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Fashion Institute of Technology State University of New York (SUNY), New York
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Department
Carmita Sanchez-Fong, Chairperson
Phone: 212.217.5550
E-mail: carmita_sanchezfong@fitnyc.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
New York Institute of Technology – Old Westbury, New York
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Department
School of Architecture and Design
Florencia Vetcher, Director
Phone: 212.261.1553
E-mail: fvetcher@nyit.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
New York School of Interior Design, New York
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Dr. Ellen Fisher, VP for Academic Affairs and Dean
Phone: 212.472.1500 ext. 301
E-mail: ellen.fisher@nysid.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
New York School of Interior Design, New York
MFA in Interior Design - Professional Level (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Dr. Ellen Fisher, VP for Academic Affairs and Dean
Phone: 212.472.1500 ext. 301
E-mail: ellen.fisher@nysid.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Department
School of Design
David Foley, Chair
Phone: 718.636.3630
E-mail: dfoley@pratt.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2020, 2026)
Professional Level Program
Interior Design Program
School of Design
College of Art and Design
Mary Golden, Undergraduate Program Director
Phone: 585.475.7893
E-mail: design@rit.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
School of Visual Arts, New York
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Department
Dr. Carol Bentel, FAIA, Program Chair
Phone: 212.592.2572
E-mail: cbentel@sva.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Syracuse University, Syracuse
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Environmental and Interior Design Program
Department of Design
School of Art and Design
College of Visual & Performing Arts
Zoriana Dunham
Phone: 315-443-2455
E-mail: zdunham@syr.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Villa Maria College, Buffalo
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Art Department
Sandra Reicis, Program Coordinator
Phone: 716.896.0700
Email: reicis@villa.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Appalachian State University, Boone
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Department of Applied Design
Amanda Pittman, Program Coordinator
Phone: 828.262.7333
Brian Davies, Chair
Phone: 828.262.7365
E-mail: pittmanaw@appstate.edu
E-mail: daviesbf@appstate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
East Carolina University, Greenville
Bachelor of Science (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Design and Merchandising
College of Human Ecology
Amanda Muhammad, PhD, Professor and Chair
Phone: 252.328.6929
E-mail: muhammada22@ecu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
High Point University, High Point
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Design, Furnishings, and Fashion Merchandising
School of Art and Design
Norton Hall
Dr. Jane Nichols, Chair, Department of Interior Design, Furnishings, and Fashion Merchandising
School of Art and Design
Phone: 336.841.9565
E-mail: jnichols@highpoint.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Meredith College, Raleigh
Bachelor of Science (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Major
Department of Human Environmental Sciences
Dr. Laura Prestwood, Program Coordinator
Phone: 919.760.8310
E-mail: leprestwood@meredith.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Architecture and Design Program
Department of Art, Design and Music
College of Arts and Sciences
Jeremiah Wills, Dean
Phone: 704.688.2835
E-mail: willsj@queens.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture (2019, 2025)
Department of Interior Architecture
College of Arts and Sciences
Travis Hicks, Department Chair
Phone: 336.334.5047
E-mail: tlhicks@uncg.edu or IARC@uncg.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee
Bachelor of Science (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
School of Art and Design
College of Fine and Performing Arts
Erin Adams, Program Chair
Phone: 828.227.2487
E-mail: eeadams@wcu.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
North Dakota State University, Fargo
BA or BS in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
Department of Architecture
College of Arts & Sciences
Susan Ray-Degges, Program Coordinator
Phone: 701.231.8604
E-mail: susan.raydegges@ndsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Kent State University, Kent
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2026)
Interior Design Program
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
John Humphries, Professor and Director of Interior Design
Phone: 513.560.6021
E-mail: jhumph28@kent.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Miami University, Oxford
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Department of Architecture + Interior Design
Mary Rogero, Chair and Associate Professor
Phone: 513.529.4903
E-mail: rogeromr@miamioh.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The Ohio State University, Columbus
Bachelor of Science in Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Department of Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Susan Meslop, Interior Design Coordinator
Phone: 614.292.6746
E-mail: meslop.3@osu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Ohio University, Athens
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture Program
School of Art
College of Fine Arts
Julie Dummermuth, Director
Phone: 740.593.2869
E-mail: dummermu@ohio.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Cincinnati
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
School of Architecture and Interior Design
Program of Interior Design
College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning
Henry Hildebrandt
Phone: 513.556.0222
E-mail: hildebhp@uc.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Oklahoma Christian University, Oklahoma City
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture (2024, 2030)
Interior Architecture Program
School of Visual Arts and Design
Amy Beauchamp, Program Coordinator
Phone: 405.425.5556
E-mail: Amy.Beauchamp@oc.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Bachelor of Science (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Design nd Merchandising
College of Education and Human Sciences
Dr. Lynn M. Boorady
Phone: 405.744.6552
E-mail: lynn.m.boorady@okstate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Department of Design
College of Fine Arts and Design
SeonMi Choi, Program Coordinator
Adrienne Wright, Program Coordinator
Phone: 405.974.5219
E-mail: schoi4@uco.edu
E-mail: awright32@uco.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Oklahoma, Norman
Bachelor of Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Division
College of Architecture
Elizabeth Pober, Director of the Division of Interior Design and Associate Professor
Phone: 405.325.6764
Email: epober@ou.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Oregon, Eugene
Bachelor (B IARCH) or Master of Interior Architecture (M IARCH) (2023, 2029)
Interior Architecture Program
Department of Interior Architecture
School or Architecture and Environment
College of Design
Esther Hagenlocher, Department Head
Phone: 541.346.2984
E-mail: ehg@uoregon.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Chatham University, Pittsburgh
Master of Interior Architecture (2020, 2026)
Interior Architecture Program
College for Graduate Studies
Kyra Trucker, Program Director and Assistant Professor
Phone: 412.363.2977
E-mail: k.tucker@chatham.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Chatham University, Pittsburgh
Bachelor of Interior Architecture (2024, 2030)
Bachelor’s Program in Interior Architecture
School of Arts, Sciences and Business
Kyra Trucker, Program Director and Assistant Professor
Phone: 412.363.2977
E-mail: k.tucker@chatham.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Drexel University, Philadelphia
MS in Interior Architecture and Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
URBN Center
Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism
Frances Temple West, Program Director
Phone: 215.895.1376
E-mail: fpt23@drexel.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Drexel University, Philadelphia
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
URBN Center
Department of Architecture, Design and Urbanism
Ada Tremonte, Program Director
Phone: 215.895.6931
E-mail: amt42@drexel.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2021, 2027)
Department of Design
Kathryn Dethier, Chair
Phone: 215.965.4078
E-mail: kdethier@moore.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
La Roche University, Pittsburgh
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Interior Architecture and Design (2018, 2024)
Interior Architecture and Design Department
Design Division
Lisa Kamphaus, Design Division Chair
Phone: 412.536.1526
E-mail: lisa.kamphaus@laroche.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
Master of Science in Interior Architecture (2023, 2029)
Interior Architecture Program
College of Architecture and the Built Environment
Lauren Baumbach, Director
Phone: 215.951.2806
E-mail: lauren.baumbach@jefferson.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Design + Interior Architecture
College of Architecture and the Built Environment
Lauren Baumbach, Director
Phone: 215.951.2806
E-mail: lauren.baumbach@jefferson.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Converse University, Spartanburg
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Department of Art and Design
School of the Arts
Jerome Gomez, Program Coordinator
Phone: 864-596-9673
E-mail: jerome.gomez@converse.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Winthrop University, Rock Hill
Bachelor of Design in Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Department of Design
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Sangwon Sohn, Interior Design Coordinator
Phone: 803.323.2669
E-mail: design@winthrop.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
South Dakota State University, Brookings
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2020, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Department of Consumer Sciences
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Pat Crawford, Director
Phone: 605.688.4103
E-mail: pat.crawford@sdstate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture (2023, 2029)
Interior Architecture Program
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Surveying
Dean Isham, Program Coordinator
Phone: 423.439.7813
E-mail: ishamd@etsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro
Bachelor of Science (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
College of Behavioral and Health Sciences
Department of Human Sciences
Kristi Julian, Program Director
Phone: 615.898.2094
E-mail: kristi.julian@mtsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
O’More School of Design at Belmont University in Nashville
Bachelor of Fine Arts Majoring in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Professional Level Program
Interior Design Program
Kelly Gore, Chair
Phone: 615.460.6579
E-mail: kelly.gore@belmont.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Memphis
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture Program
Department of Architecture
Marika Snider, Director, Interior Design Program
Phone: 901.678.2724
E-mail: mesnider@memphis.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
College of Architecture and Design
Milagros Zingoni, Director
Phone: 865.974.3269
E-mail: mzingoni@utk.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture (2019, 2026)
Department of Interior Architecture and Design
School of Professional Studies
College of Health, Education & Professional Studies
Jessica Etheredge, Program Director
Phone: 423-425-1718
E-mail: Jessica-Etheredge@utc.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Abilene Christian University, Abilene
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Department of Art and Design
Kelly Mann, Director
Phone: 325-674-2085
E-mail: kelly.mann@acu.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Baylor University, Waco
Bachelor of Science (2018, 2024)
Interior Design Program
Dept. of Human Science and Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Michelle R. Brown, Program Coordinator
Phone: 254.710.6260
E-mail: michelle_r_brown@baylor.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville
Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences - Interior Design (2019, 2026)
Interior Design Program
Department of Human Sciences
College of Health Sciences
Ron Reed, Chair
Phone: 936.294.2481
E-mail: rlr054@shsu.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
School of Human Sciences
Jennifer Luque, Coordinator
Phone: 936.468.4502
Accreditation Decision Letter
Texas State University, San Marcos
Bachelor of Science in Family & Consumer Sciences - Major in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
School of Family & Consumer Sciences
College of Applied Arts
Mira Ahn, Program Coordinator
Phone: 512.245.2155
E-mail: ma32@txstate.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2017, 2024)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising
College of Fine Arts
Myosha Maston, Program Coordinator
Phone: 817-257-7499
E-mail: m.maston@tcu.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
University of North Texas, Denton
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
College of Visual Arts and Design
Hepi Watcher, ID Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Phone: 940.565.3621
E-mail: Hepi.Watchern@unt.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Texas Tech University, Lubbock
Bachelor of Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
College of Human Sciences
Kristi Gaines, Department Chair
Phone: 806.742.3050
E-mail: kristi.gaines@ttu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
School of Architecture
Igor Siddiqui, Program Director
Phone: 512.232.8434
E-mail: igor.siddiqui@utexas.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Texas at Arlington
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
School of Architecture
Barb Marini, Ph.D., Director
Phone: 817.272.5078
E-mail: b.marini@uta.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
College of Architecture, Construction and Planning
Kristin Lee, Director
Phone: 210.458.3010
E-mail: Kristin.Lee@utsa.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The University of Texas at Austin
Master of Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
School of Architecture
Igor Siddiqui, Program Director
Phone: 512.232.8434
E-mail: igor.siddiqui@utexas.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Wade College, Dallas
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Harry Davros, President and CEO
Phone: 214.637.3530
E-mail: hdavros@wadecollege.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
School of Media and Design
Adam Nash, Program Director
Phone: 210.829.3860
E-mail: anash@uiwtx.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Utah State University, Logan
Bachelor of Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Architecture & Design Program
Department of Art + Design
Caine College of the Arts
Darrin Brooks, Professor
Phone: 435.755.8344
E-mail: darrin.brooks@usu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Weber State University, Ogden
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Department of Professional Sales
College of Applied Science and Technology
Kristen Arnold, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Phone: 801.395.3423
Email: kristenarnold@weber.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Marymount University, Arlington
Bachelor of Arts (2018, 2025)
Interior Architecture + Design Program
School of Design + Art
College of Business, Innovation, Leadership, and Technology
Douglas R. Seidler, Director
Phone: 703.284.6515
E-mail: dseidler@marymount.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Marymount University, Arlington
Master of Arts in Interior Architecture + Design (2018, 2025)
Interior Architecture + Design Program
School of Design + Art
College of Business, Innovation, Leadership, and Technology
Douglas R. Seidler, Director
Phone: 703.284.6515
E-mail: dseidler@marymount.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Radford University, Radford
BFA in Design with a concentration in Interior Design (2020, 2026)
Department of Design
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Dr. Holly Cline, Professor
Phone: 540-831-5932
E-mail: hcline@radford.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2022, 2028)
Department of Interior Design
School of the Arts
Roberto Ventura, Chair and Associate Professor
Phone: 804.828.1713
E-mail: rlventura@vcu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond
MFA in Design, Interior Environments (2023, 2029)
Department of Interior Design
School of the Arts
Roberto Ventura, Chair and Associate Professor
Phone: 804.828.1713
E-mail: rlventura@vcu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
The interior design program is currently on probation, which is an accreditation status indicating that critical weaknesses were identified during a recent accreditation review. To learn more about probation click here.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
Bachelor of Science (2018, 2025)
Interior Design Program
School of Design
College of Architecture, Art, and Design
Brad Whitney
Phone: 540.231.9494
E-mail: whitneyb@vt.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-semester extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Bellevue College, Bellevue
Bachelor of Applied Arts in Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Arts and Humanities Division
Dan Beert, Program Chair
Phone: 425.564.4041
E-mail: dan.beert@bellevuecollege.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Washington State University, Pullman
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design (2023, 2029)
School of Design and Construction
Robert Krikac, Program Head
Phone: 509.335.6845
E-mail: rkrikac@wsu.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Mount Mary University, Milwaukee
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Department
Art & Design Division
Genevieve Szeklinski, Chair
Phone: 414.930.3475
E-mail: szekling@mtmary.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Wisconsin, Madison
B.S.-Design Studies (2024, 2030)
Interior Architecture Major
Design Studies Department
Jung-hye Shin, Ph.D., Chair and IA Program Coordinator
Phone: 608.890.3704
E-mail: jshin9@wisc.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
BFA in Interior Architecture (2018, 2025)
Interior Architecture Program
School of Design & Communication
College of Fine Arts & Communication
Katja Marquart, IA Area Coordinator & Professor
Phone: 715.346.2669
E-mail: interior.architecture@uwsp.edu
E-mail: kmarquar@uwsp.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
University of Wisconsin – Stout, Menomonie
Bachelor of Fine Arts/Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
School of Art & Design
Shelley Pecha, Program Director
Phone: 715.232.3689
E-mail: pechas@uwstout.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB
Bachelor of Interior Design (2018, 2024)
Department of Interior Design
Faculty of Arts
Alan Antioquia, Department Chair
Phone: 403-440-7026
E-mail: aantioquia@mtroyal.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Burnaby, BC
Bachelor of Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
School of Construction and the Environment
Interior Design Department
Tiia Manson, Program Head
Phone: 604.456.8147
E-mail: tiia_manson@bcit.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond, BC
Bachelor of Interior Design (2019, 2025)
Faculty of Design
Professional Level Interior Design Program
Interior Design Department
Paola Gavilanez, Program Chair
Phone: 604.599.2687
E-mail: paola.gavilanez@kpu.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, BC
Bachelor of Interior Design (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Katarina Litva, Program Chair
Phone: 250.753.3245
E-mail: katarina.litva@viu.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB
Master of Interior Design (2018, 2025)
Department of Interior Design
Kelley Beaverford, Department Head
Phone: 204.474.8654
E-mail: Kelley.Beaverford@umanitoba.ca
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
University of Moncton, Moncton, NB
Applied Bachelor of Interior Design (2016, 2023)
Interior Design Program
Matthieu LeBlanc, Vice Dean
Phone: 506.858.4016
E-mail: matthieu.leblanc@umoncton.ca
Summary of Accreditation Decision
CIDA initiated and offered a one-year extension of accreditation and the program accepted.
Conestoga College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, Kitchener, ON
Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours) (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Ryan Huckle
Phone: 519.748-5220 x3363
E-mail: rhuckle@conestogac.on.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON
Bachelor of Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Dana Tapak
Phone: 613.727.4723 x 5761
E-mail: tapakd@algonquincollege.com
Accreditation Decision Letter
Fanshawe College, London, ON
Honours Bachelor of Interior Design (2021, 2027)
The Interior Design Program
School of Design
Melanie Neerhof, Associate Dean
Phone: 519.663.2030 ext. 30028
E-mail: mneerhof@fanshawec.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Humber Polytechnic, Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Interior Design (2024, 2030)
The Interior Design Program
School of Applied Technology
Hilary Bonnell, Program Coordinator
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 5114
E-mail: hilary.bonnell@humber.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
OCAD University, Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Design (2024, 2030)
Environmental Design Program: Interior Design Specialization
Neal Prabhu, Program Coordinator
Phone: 416.977.6000
E-mail: nprabhu@faculty.ocadu.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Fine Arts/BFA+MID (2024, 2030)
Interior Design Program
School of Interior Design
Faculty of Communication and Design
Colin Ripley, Chair
Phone: 416.979.5188
E-mail: cripley@torontomu.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Yorkville University (formerly RCC Institute of Technology), Concord, ON
Bachelor of Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Academy of Design
Interior Design Department
Reem Habib, Program Chair
Phone: 647.497.8940
E-mail: rhabib@yorkvilleu.ca
Note: This includes the online delivery method.
Accreditation Decision Letter
Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Oakville, ON
Bachelor of Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Faculty of Animation Arts and Design
Miranda Craig, Proram Coordinator
Phone: 905.845.9430 x 8733
E-mail: miranda.craig@sheridancollege.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
North Cyprus
Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta
Bachelor of Interior Architecture (2023, 2029)
Interior Architecture Program
Department of Interior Architecture
Dr. Ozlem Olgac Turker, Accreditation Committee Coordinator
Phone: +90 392 6301139
E-mail: ozlem.olgac@emu.edu.tr
Accreditation Decision Letter
Saudi Arabia
Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Dhahran
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Department
College of Architecture and Design
Chuloh Jung, Department Shair
Phone: +966.13.849.5465
E-mail: cchung@pmu.edu.sa
Accreditation Decision Letter
Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar, Doha
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2018, 2024)
Interior Design Program
Department of Interior Design
VCUarts Qatar
Mohammad Suleiman, Department Chair
Phone: +974.4402.0596
E-mail: mnsuleiman@vcu.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
American University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2022, 2028)
Interior Design Program
Annamaria Lambri, Chair
Phone: +971-4318.3225
E-mail: alambri@aud.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2022, 2028)
Interior Architecture and Design
Kathleen Valkuchak, Director
Phone: 415.618.3581 or 800.544.2787
Email: kvalkuchak@academyart.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Master of Fine Arts in Interior Architecture and Design (2018, 2024)
Interior Architecture and Design
Kathleen Valkuchak, Director
Phone: 415.618.3581 or 800.544.2787
Email: kvalkuchak@academyart.edu
Summary of Accreditation Decision
New York School of Interior Design, New York
Bachelor of Fine Arts (2019, 2025)
Interior Design Program
Dr. Ellen Fisher, VP for Academic Affairs and Dean
Phone: 212.472.1500 ext. 301
E-mail: ellen.fisher@nysid.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter
Yorkville University (formerly RCC Institute of Technology), Concord, ON
Bachelor of Interior Design (2023, 2029)
Interior Design Program
Academy of Design
Interior Design Department
Reem Habib
Phone: 647.497.8940
E-mail: rhabib@yorkvilleu.ca
Accreditation Decision Letter
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design (2021, 2027)
Interior Design Program
Jessica Elliot, Chair
Phone: 303.225.8535
E-mail: jelliott@rmcad.edu
Accreditation Decision Letter