Faculty Resources

CIDA provides a high level of support to currently accredited and programs seeking accreditation. Primary resources are CIDA Professional Standards and accreditation policy and procedures. CIDA staff provides assistance to programs and also holds an annual accreditation workshop in conjunction with the Interior Design Educator Council’s national conference each spring.

The additional resources below support sharing of information among programs to enrich the understanding of accreditation practices.

Case Study

The accreditation case study will assist programs in developing a timeline for seeking accreditation. The program and judgments of quality are fiction and used only for the purpose of illustration.


Workshop Presentations

The Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA) holds an annual workshop for faculty members and administrators from interior design programs interested in seeking initial accreditation and re-accreditation. For these workshops, CIDA invites faculty members that have recently organized successful accreditation reviews to give presentations on best practices in accreditation.

Use the links below to download recent presentations:
*It is important that the web browser you are using is the most current version. If a PDF or PowerPoint does not open the first time, please try again. If this does not work, please contact the CIDA office and we can assist you.


Program Approach to Self-Study and Preparing for a Recent Accreditation Review
Presented by Kristi Julian, Middle Tennessee State University

Organizing a Student Work Display, Physical and Virtual Materials
Presented by Michelle Pearson, Texas Tech University

Physical Display of Student Work
Presented by Kristen Arnold, Weber State University

Conducting a Self-Study & Writing a Successful PAR
Presented by Sarah Wilhoit, Harding University

Program Summaries

Programs accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation reside in a rich and diverse range of contexts. Each program that undergoes an accreditation review provides basic information about the institution, program, faculty, and students to assist CIDA in understanding factors influencing the program. As a resource for programs, CIDA compiles this information into summaries.

Important things to know about the summaries:

  • Information is collected on a three-year cycle in conjunction with program self-study reports and progress reports. Thus, the summaries reflect a three-year timeframe.

  • Programs generally provide complete information to CIDA; however, some summary information does not include 100% participation of all programs.

  • While CIDA makes every effort to include accurate information, CIDA does not guarantee the accuracy of information that programs provide.

The currently posted summaries include information gathered from October 11, 2021 through March 1, 2024 . The summaries are updated twice a year.

Summary Reports: (.pdf)